Dominican Republic, located on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, is a popular destination for its paradisiacal beaches, mountainous landscapes, and rich cultural history.
This country offers travelers a unique combination of relaxation and adventure.
Before you go, find out the answers to common questions to prepare for a memorable stay.
Visitors do not need a visa for tourist stays of less than 30 days. However, you will need to complete the E-Ticket on the immigration website for entry and exit from the country:
The best time to visit is from December to April, during the dry season, when the climate is most pleasant.
The months of May to November are pleasant but more humid.
From September to mid-October there is an increased risk of cyclones/storms.
We advise you to check the weather on reliable sites like Windfinder:
Before traveling to the Dominican Republic, it is important to take some health precautions to ensure a carefree stay.
It is also essential to protect yourself from mosquito bites, which can transmit diseases such as chikungunya and dengue fever. Mosquito repellents will suffice.
Tap water is not safe to drink, so it is recommended to drink bottled water.
It is also crucial to have valid health insurance that covers medical care abroad. Insurance to provide you adequate coverage for medical emergencies, medical evacuations and other unforeseen events. This ensures you have quick and efficient access to the necessary medical care, allowing you to travel with peace of mind.
You can have a look to:The official currency is the Dominican peso (DOP).
Credit cards are accepted in tourist areas, but it is advisable to have cash for small businesses and in rural areas as credit card fees apply (between 10 and 28% depending on the merchant).
We advise you to change your currency into the local currency directly in the country, at the exchange offices that you will find near your hotels or in the cities.
The Dominican Republic is generally safe for tourists, but like everywhere, it’s important to stay vigilant. Avoid showing valuables, be careful at night, and use official taxis or recommended transportation services.
Tips are not mandatory but appreciated. In restaurants, it is common to leave 10% of the bill.
Porters, taxi drivers, and tour guides also expect a small tip.
Be sure to try the “la bandera” (rice, beans and meat), the “mangu” (mashed plantains), the “tostones” (fried plantains), and the fresh seafood. Local drinks such as “mamajuana” and sugar cane juice are also worth trying.
In the Dominican Republic, electrical outlets are mostly type A and B, similar to outlets used in the United States and Canada. They have two parallel flat pins. Therefore, if you’re traveling from these areas, you usually won’t need an adapter to plug in your electrical devices.
Driving in the Dominican Republic can be a stressful experience for visitors unfamiliar with local conditions. Roads can be poorly maintained, with sometimes insufficient signage.
In addition, the behavior of other drivers can be unpredictable.
Tourists are advised to consider other transportation options, such as official taxis to avoid the potential hassle of driving in a sometimes chaotic road environment.
Spanish is the official language.
English is spoken in tourist areas, but learning a few phrases in Spanish can be helpful and appreciated.
Spanish is the official language of the country… But some expressions are very typical of the area…
The basics:
Hello / Good evening: Buenos días / Buenas tardes
Please : por favor
Thank you : gracias
Good bye : adios
I don’t understand : no entiendo
My name is : me llamo
Money : dinero
How much does it cost: Cuánto cuesta ?
1, 2, 3….10 : Un, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diéz
It is too expensive : Es muy caro !
The addiion please : la cuenta por favor
Left : izquierda
Right : derecha
North/South/East/West : Norte / Sur / Este / Oeste
Days of the week : Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, Domingo
- Colmado: It is a popular store, type local trade, ideal to go buy at a lower cost souvenirs such as rum, coffee … But be careful in the evening this small business often turns into a music bar.
- Gua-gua: This is the public bus… No bus stop, you are waiting on the side of the road… it will eventually pass!
- Motochoncho : Preferred means of transport for Dominicans, it is a motorcycle taxi … 1, 2, 3 passengers… You will be surprised how many people can be ridden on a motorcycle!
- Pica Pollo : fried chicken sold in the “Comedor” (fast food), very economical (count between 150 and 200 Dominican pesos)
- Un chin : a litlle
- Banco : Bank – Be careful not to confuse with Banca which are the lotteries